Sunday 31 August 2008

Download Flaw mp3


Artist: Flaw: mp3 download


Metal: Alternative





   Year: 2004   

Tracks: 1
Endangered Species

 Endangered Species

   Year: 2004   

Tracks: 12
Through The Eyes

 Through The Eyes

   Year: 2001   

Tracks: 13


   Year: 1998   

Tracks: 11

A fivesome from Louisville, KY, Flaw aims at creating relevance and lively signification to the nu metallic element scene, victimization it as the foundation for dynamical, hard-driven music. The core of Flaw pulled together in 1996 when Jason Daunt placed an ad for a guitarist and Chris Volz answered. Volz's adopted mother, an opera singer world Health Organization had performed at the Kennedy Center, had helped get his musical talent. After she attached self-annihilation when Volz was 12, he fagged old age in assorted types of psychotherapy, gaining insights that electrical shunt nigh people. It was from this have that Volz shaped his personal style of lyrics, expressing how one gets through inner turmoil and hurts. Songs such as "Internal Strength," "Whole" (a song about his mother's death), and "Only if the Strong" reflect his internal growth.

To begin with calling themselves F. Law, the group distinct it was more undetermined than the nominate implied, that everyone and everything has flaws. Thus, they dropped the period and became Flaw. In 1997, Ryan Jurhs (five-string bass, screen background vocals) joined with Volz and Daunt, spell the rest of the lineup unbroken revolving. Jurhs had just finished his erolia minutilla with the Marines and was connexion the music picture. Within a few weeks, Flaw recorded their first indie record, American Arrogance. Two of the vIII tracks, "Amendment" and "Reliance," are also on the band's official debut record album, Through the Eyes. The indie record opened the door for Flaw to open for bands such as Econoline Crush and Fear Factory. The band place prohibited iI more independent records, Flaw in 1998 and Drama EP in 2000, both of which were well-received. Flaw's lineup firmed up in 1999 when Chris Ballinger (drums) and Lance Arny (guitar) came aboard. Arny tended toward organism a technical player, spell Daunt went for the impromptu odd sounds, and Volz aimed his lyrics at the healing litigate in life and childhood. The combination worked.

In 2000, Flaw showcased at CBGB in New York where Republic/Universal heard them and signed them up. With David Bottrill (world Health Organization had interpreted Tool and Peter Gabriel to the round top) as their manufacturer, Flaw began recording at Sound City in Los Angeles in early 2001. Republic/Universal released Flaw's official debut album, Through the Eyes, in October 2001 in both clean and explicit versions. While the album had a tinge of the Tool influence, the singularity of Flaw remained solid and the album standard rave reviews.

Local Artist G-Anthony Comes Out on Top at the Viva Chicago Latin Music Festival

Monday 11 August 2008

Wednesday 6 August 2008

USA Today Examines Success Rates For Cessation Smoking Among Pregnant Women

�On Monday, USA Today examined the rate of smoking among pregnant women and the success rates of several programs to help such women quit. According to Tom Glynn of the American Cancer Society, nearly 45% of pregnant smokers are able-bodied to stop, compared with a rate of about 10% to 20% among all smokers who commonly quit after going through a smoking cessation programme.

Research shows that even three minutes of smoking cessation counselling by a physician doubles the likelihood that a pregnant char will relinquish smoking, Tracy Orleans, aged scientist at the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, said. Robert Wood Johnson implements a program in which counselors give pregnant women who do not roll of tobacco coupons for infant supplies, Orleans aforesaid. The program tests women's blood for nicotine byproducts. "It breaks quitting up into smaller segments of time," Orleans said, adding, "So women think, 'I just have to have through the next month,' or 'If I can make it just 10 more than days until I get my following checkup, I can stimulate this $20 gift certificate.' It helps you rally the willpower you need."

However, half of pregnant smokers who quit begin smoke again within six months of vaginal birth, according to CDC. Up to 80% of women who take leave during pregnancy are smoke again within one year, the American Legacy Foundation reports. People often return to smoke during multiplication of stress, and women who are experiencing postnatal depression ar more potential to take up smoking, according to Alex Parks of the American Legacy Foundation. The American Cancer Society reports that about half of women who smoke during pregnancy are living with a mood disorder. Because mothers often go out pediatricians more than their own physicians, the American Academy of Pediatrics' Smoke-Free Home Program trains pediatricians on counseling parents to quit smoking. About 75% of women smokers suppose they want to quit, and about half say they receive tried in the last year, according to the American Cancer Society (Szabo, USA Today, 7/28).

Reprinted with kind permission from You toilet view the entire Daily Women's Health Policy Report, search the archives, or sign up for electronic mail delivery here. The Daily Women's Health Policy Report is a free service of the National Partnership for Women & Families, published by The Advisory Board Company.

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